September 2014
We woke up early because today was a big day. Today was Al’s Run/Walk in support of Children’s Hospital.
Piano lessons
A few nights ago, Namine had her second piano lesson.
First impressions
Namine and I started reading a new book last night. This one is for school, and since it’s a little too advanced for her reading level, I’m reading it to her. It’s about Claude Monet.
Join Team Internet
Congratulations! You’re using the Internet. Chances are, this is important to you.
Namine has been complaining of headaches for over a month now, so last Friday we called the hospital to have her seen. While there is a headache clinic at the hospital, Namine’s doctor wanted to see her himself before just sending her off to the clinic.
Special Needs picnic 2014
I always confuse the location of the picnics for the Children’s Hospital’s Special Needs Program and the Herma Heart Center. We missed the Herma Heart picnic, but fortunately we made time for this one. Namine was glad to see so many friends.
Keep your chin up
September 5 is Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS) Awareness Day!
The Unboxing
We have exciting news: today was the pickup day for our Al’s Run/Walk shirts!
Sackboy dressed as Link
I drew this for my brother a while back.
Throwback Thursday
Wanna hear something crazy? Namine has had two benefits thrown for her, because apparently medical equipment and care are expensive. Who knew?
Go home, z-index, you’re high
This is the most excellent commit message.
Hospital food
If you read one thing today, read Hospital Food: The Snacktaku Review.