Has it really been nearly 2 weeks?

It’s still hard to believe we’re home. Namine is such a joy to have in the house – we’ve waited so long to have her all to ourselves. She’s almost always full of smiles, a couple nights ago being an exception, but anybody would be a little crabby with only 2 hours of sleep. But…

It’s still hard to believe we’re home. Namine is such a joy to have in the house – we’ve waited so long to have her all to ourselves. She’s almost always full of smiles, a couple nights ago being an exception, but anybody would be a little crabby with only 2 hours of sleep. But I can tell you that our little munchkin scrunchkin adores being home.

We’ve been to the doctor twice; once for her cardiology clinic, and once for a suck-swallow study. Both went fine. Not only that, but we can officially start feeding her baby food!

You’ll notice the site has changed again. In trying to iron out some of the problems people have been having, I decided to start over. I’ve tested this new layout in every browser on Windows and Mac that I can think of, and I don’t see any problems. Commenting should be a breeze now, too. If anybody still has issues, shoot me an email: peiche at gmail.com.

I’ve uploaded a bunch of new pictures, which you can see on the blog page or the external photo album. And yes, there are pictures of her at home in this batch!

I’ll upload a bunch more videos when I get home tonight. Actually, it probably won’t happen until most of you are asleep, so look for them tomorrow.

On a somewhat personal note, I laughed so hard when someone at work complained about how much work their (normal) baby is. Sister, you have no idea.

I will say, though, we are extremely, extremely fortunate that Namine sleeps through the night. It’s the machines that keep us up (or wake us up). The apnea monitor we haven’t had a problem with, but that stupid vent alarms when there shouldn’t be any. Low pressure, my foot. Namine just pushes air around the trach, creating that low pressure. Oh, well.

5 responses

  1. Michele Eiche Avatar
    Michele Eiche

    She’s such a little cutie!! Grandma has such fun with her.
    Love to all of you.
    Grandma E.

  2. I love the picture that you put up of her. That is one of my favorites. :)

  3. You’re logged on as me, honey.

  4. Jennifer Schultz Avatar
    Jennifer Schultz

    Hey, guys! SOOOOOO glad to hear the great posting! Jess: I got your FB message… Hopefully you saw that I commented on this blog the day you posted that you went home (?!) (I didn't realize that for some reason my sister was logged into Google from last time she was over… but that was in fact ME!) Cannot wait for the next posting… I love the new look, Paul! :)

    Lots of love from Jen, Jeremy & Jacob

  5. Jennifer Schultz Avatar
    Jennifer Schultz

    Glad we ran into you today, everyone!!! Namine was looking snuggly as usual! :)

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