Museum field trip
We all had a great time on Namine’s field trip to the museum.
Museum hopping
A couple weekends ago, we took Namine and her cousin to three museums in Kenosha.
Mummies and duddies
I forget how Namine and I got on the topic of mummies. We were talking about pyramids, I think. Jessica might remember.
Betty Brinn museum
Variety, the children’s charity group, had an outing the other night.
Too close for comfort
During our visit to the Dolphin Tale Adventure museum, we saw a small simulation of the hurricane shown in the first Dolphin Tale movie. Namine thought it was exciting, but it brought back some pretty vivid memories for me.
The last day
Alas, every vacation must end. And to that end, today is our last day in Florida.
Seeing Winter
Our vacation is soon drawing to a close, but we’re not yet rejoining our northern kin in their snowy winter. No, today we saw Winter the dolphin, star of the movie Dolphin Tale, at the Clearwater Aquarium.