On Saturday we went out with one of our friends from school for lunch and a movie. But not just any movie, we went to see Frozen again.
I’m not allowed to play Let It Go in the house anymore unless I have headphones on. Since seeing it the first time, I suppose I have listened to it fairly obsessively. Namine is just as bad. When we’re doing the dishes together, she always asks me to turn on some music. (In my opinion, music does help the work go by a little faster, and Namine agrees.) Invariably, we end up putting Let It Go on endless repeat. You can imagine us singing at the top of our lungs, me putting away the cupboard dishes, and Namine sorting and putting away the silverware. You can also imagine Jessica in the living room, hollering “Turn it down!”
Anyway, after the movie, we went out for frozen yogurt. Namine has been working on her reading (that’s an understatement if I ever wrote one — she sounds everything out wherever we go, and it’s awesome that she loves reading so much), and I think that’s why she pronounces yogurt differently. Jessica and I pronounce it the same way — “YO-gert” — but Namine does not. She pronounces it “YO-goort” and I don’t know why. The only guess I have is because it’s spelled with a U and she just decided it must be that way for a reason (and if that’s so, then you’ve got another thing coming, kid — English is one messed up language).
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