Just another day at work
This has nothing to do with the beer in the vending machine, I promise.
Cheese wheels
Norma reminds Bob that real life is not, in fact, like his favorite video game.
Coffee jam
Inspired by an impromptu and unrehearsed dance routine at the coffee machine in the office today.
I make bad jokes on porpoise.
I’m not sorry at all.
Cloud problems
Bob experiences some issues trying to use “the cloud.”
Out of the blue
We do love pie. This is a true story, by the way.
Girls are grody
I had to double-check the spelling of “grody.”
Unbearable puns
Second Amendment jokes, and all that.
Design stick
Our poor designer at work must be at his wits’ end. His rantings inspired this comic.
TP tragedy
Shamelessly cross-posted from Imgur. I’m not sorry.
Laser shower
Bob buys a laser shower head. Shocking!
The arms race
Welcome to two years ago, iPhone users. :p