make a wish
Make-A-Wish fundraiser
I am participating in a Make A Wish challenge and fundraiser in March. Here’s why.
In loving memory of Henri Landwirth
The founder of Give Kids The World Village has passed away.
World Wish Day
Today is Make A Wish’s World Wish Day! Back in 2015, Namine got to make her own Wish: to meet the Disney princesses.
Winter the dolphin
We love to see other kids’ stories about seeing Winter the dolphin.
Expectations and reality
Making the best of an imperfect situation.
Share your ears
#ShareYourEars and @DisneyParks will donate $5 to @MakeAWish!
The best part
Many people have asked me what the best part of our Make A Wish vacation was. I jokingly answer that it was when Belle complimented me on how I did Namine’s hair.
When we went to Gatorland, I went ziplining. I don’t know what I was thinking.
Disney Princesses
I said I’d post pictures, didn’t I? Well, here they are: Namine’s visits with Disney princesses.
Make A Wish: the trip home
We started on our trek home today. Since we’re driving back, and not flying, it’s going to take three days, instead of three hours.
Make A Wish: Gatorland
We spent our last full day here in Florida visiting the last place on Namine’s wish list: Gatorland.
Make A Wish: Disney World
As the saying goes, I’m going to need a vacation after this vacation. That’s not a bad thing, though! Namine’s first time at Disney World was tiring, but magical.