Gulp Favicon Injection

I built a sample Gulp project that generates a set of favicon files and injects them into the <head> of a page.

This repo is not meant to be used directly, but rather as an example for how to set up favicon markup injection into the project of your choice.

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Set up

To set up Gulp, follow their instructions .

After cloning or downloading the project, run this command:

$ npm install

This will install the Gulp plugins. After that, it’s pretty simple. Run this command to generate the favicon graphics and markup:

$ gulp

Task Breakdown

There are three tasks defined in gulpfile.js.

First Task: clean

This cleans the dist directory of any previously generated favicon files.

Second Task: favicon-generate

This does the real work, taking the single 512×512 favicon.png and generating all the graphics files, configuration files, and markup. The markup outputs to a separate file, favicon.html.

Third Task: inject-favicon

This takes the contents of favicon.html and injects it into index.html. It looks for this text for where to inject:

<!-- inject:head:html -->
<!-- endinject -->

Fourth Task: clean-favicon

This just deletes the generated file, favicon.html. After the markup has been injected into the real HTML file, it’s not needed anymore.

Default Task

The default task is set up to execute the entire task chain in order, making it extremely simple to generate new favicon assets and markup.


There is a single config object defined at the top of gulpfile.js. Use it to personalize the configuration files generated in favicon-generate.

  • appName: The name of your web app.
  • appDescription: The description of your web app.
  • url: Your web app’s URL.
  • version: The version of your web app.
  • developerName: The name of the developer, be it a person or organization.
  • developerURL: The developer’s URL.
  • background: The hex code of the color of your choice. Used by:
    • Apple and Yandex for the favicon’s background color.
    • Microsoft for the tile background in Windows 8 and 10.
    • Google Chrome for Android tab color.
  • path: The path where all the generated assets are located.


Gulp – The streaming build system. – Module for Node.js for generating favicons and their associated files.
Launcher Icon Generator – Icon generator which allows you to quickly and easily generate icons from existing source images, clipart, or text.