Namine has a bronchoscopy and possible partial frenulotomy.
ENT appointment
On Thursday of this past week, Namine had an appointment with her ENT doctor. In it were discussed routine things — like bronchoscopies — and scary, new things — like frenulotomies.
Two years ago today
I can hardly believe that two years ago today, Namine was in recovery after her second club foot surgery.
Heart surgery
Jessica, Namine, and I went to the hospital yesterday morning because Jessica’s mom Charlene was having heart surgery.
Diapers and potty training
Potty training is stressful enough for both parent and child. It’s made even more stressful by not knowing if your child is able to tell when they need to go, or if they can hold it at all.
MRSA, MRSA, go away
Come again, some other… never. Yeah, let’s go with never. Namine’s pediatrician called us; the culture they took last week on her MRSA infection – or what was left of it – came back negative. This is great news, a step toward getting her taken off contact isolation status.
School is in
Namine is feeling much, much better today. Heck, that much is evident by her appetite alone. She was feeling well enough for the first time in quite a while to do some schoolwork.
Good news
Namine’s surgeon just came out to tell us they’ve finished. They ended up only needing to use sutures, and not staples like the PA had originally told us. The sutures are interrupted, though, similar to how the staples would be, so that the wound can breathe a little and still heal from the inside out.…
Full speed ahead
The CV surgical team met this morning to decide on what to do with Namine – whether to try another wound vac or just close her chest. And the final decision has come down that they’re going to close her up.
Done and done
Namine’s operating cardiac surgeon just came out to tell us that they’ve finished. And good news all around.
Waking up
Namine is starting to wake up today. She’s not a very happy camper, as the saying goes, but she was awake and lucid enough – before they gave her some morphine for the pain – to tell me, “Get me out of here! Get your little girl out of here!” The nurse said, “We need…
Settling in for the night
Namine is tucked into her bed, in her own room, here in the ICU.