Cyst removal recovery
Namine was discharged from the hospital, and much sooner than expected.
Cyst removal
Namine’s cyst removal was successful, but she did not have either hernia removed.
Surgery preparedness
We met virtually with the doctor organizing Namine’s upcoming three-part surgery.
Planning the hernia repairs
Namine has two hernias to be repaired, and an ovarian cyst to be removed. We have a plan to address these, but there are complications.
A case for choosing life
Jessica and I have been to the hospital more times than we care to consider. All that has come with great cost, but great benefit too. I’d like to impart something. Not wisdom — I wouldn’t assume that much hubris; but at least experience, and perhaps understanding.
Dental clinic
With all the craziness lately, I never wrote about Namine’s most recent trip to the dentist last month. Some pretty important points were discussed.
2014 in review
I started out the year writing about Wolff’s Law. It seems fitting now, seeing how Namine has grown, and continues to grow — despite the assurances of doctors.
Christmas dress
We didn’t have the chance to go shopping for Namine’s Christmas dress until this past weekend. By this point, most stores have already moved onto Spring clothing, so Christmas clothing was in short supply.
Frenectomy follow-up
Yesterday Namine had a clinic appointment to follow up on her frenectomy. Frenulotomy. Frenulectomy. Just pick a word, I guess.
Hospital surprises
Namine’s frenulectomy has come and gone with no surprises. This is good; when it comes to surgery, we don’t like surprises. We did receive an unpleasant surprise on the day of surgery, however.
Home again
We made it home safely from the hospital. Namine is doing well, and in no pain.
Frenulectomy complete
Namine is in recovery now, and she’s doing well. Her airway looks good, and we expect her to wake up soon.