
  • Speaking a new way

    Speaking a new way

    On Thursday I took Namine to the speech pathologist at Children’s. He wanted to see and hear Namine speak with the prosthetic and without it. I had not put the prosthetic in because it makes Namine throw up. So we went without it, I still had it in my purse. Namine did her talking into…

  • Improving speech

    Improving speech

    Namine had speech and physical therapy today. She has her good days and bad days, as anyone does, and today was a particularly good day.

  • Familiarity breeds…

    Familiarity breeds…

    Contrary to how the saying goes, Namine has nothing close to contempt for her palatal prosthetic. Quite the opposite – she’s willing to put it in, and is doing quite well with the every-other-day plan prescribed by the speech pathologist.

  • Excitement and improvement

    Excitement and improvement

    Jessica decided that we should name Namine’s palatal prosthetic. She and Namine settled on “Pat.” I don’t know. My girls are weird sometimes. It’s up to me to establish normalcy in this family. My cross to bear, I guess.

  • A new record

    I worked from home today, which allowed me to get up with Namine and let Jessica sleep in. When I gave Namine her breakfast around 9:30, she asked me to first put her palatal prosthetic in. Wait, what? Yes, that’s right. She was so enthusiastic about it that she wanted to eat breakfast while wearing…

  • Speaking with the prosthetic

    We gave Namine a couple days off from the prosthetic, if only to give her a chance to recuperate from whatever infection she might have.

  • Getting used to the palatal prosthetic

    Getting used to the palatal prosthetic

    They weren’t kidding when they said Namine would gag quite a bit from the palatal prosthetic. She threw up when Jessica put it in yesterday, although the jury is still out on whether she triggered her gag reflex or if she just worked herself up too much.

  • The palatal lift prosthesis is a mouthful

    The palatal lift prosthesis is a mouthful

    Namine has finally gotten her new palatal prosthetic.

  • Omega loops

    Sounds like something out of a sci fi movie, doesn’t it? It’s not. It’s what Namine had placed in her mouth today, in preparation for her new prosthetic.