Cover2 1.4.2
The latest theme update fixes a fatal bug and introduces a new post format, among other things.
Cover2 1.4.1
I think the theme is finally ready for Gutenberg. (This post is written entirely in Gutenberg, too!)
Cover2 1.2.1
The latest version of Cover2 addresses a few bugs, adds something back from Cover, and lowers the stylesheet size.
Cover2 1.2
The latest version of Cover2 includes new button styles, a new search template, and more.
Cover2 1.0.15
It’s been a while, but now I’m happy to announce this update to Cover2.
WeatherTab for Firefox
I ported my first Firefox extension, and I changed almost nothing to get it working.
Introducing a “New Tab” Chrome extension.
Tippy.css update
I’ve added some features to my pure CSS tooltips.
Cover2 for WordPress
Introducing the new version of the Cover theme for WordPress.
Favicon injection in Gulp
If it looks like I just threw some random words up on the screen — “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!” — then you probably aren’t familiar with modern web development.
Pure CSS tooltips that work in every browser.