On Windows 10 and “cloudbooks”
Learn from my mistake, kids. Don’t get a Windows 10 laptop with “cloud” anywhere in the model name.
Full screen weirdness
I noticed a discrepancy between Chrome and Firefox on Android.
Introducing a “New Tab” Chrome extension.
All that you love will be refactored away
Someone was kind enough to let me know that as of version 54, Chrome has removed the enable-panels flag. This breaks the entire point of my “Panel View” extensions, like for Keep and Play Music.
Panel View for Keep 3.2
Every time Google changes something, I have to fix it in my extension.
Panel View for Keep 3.1
This release is mostly a bug fix.
On tab detachment and reattachment
As I was testing my upcoming release of Panel View for Keep, I came across a strange bug.
Panel View for Keep 2.8.2
This update could be subtitled, “Flexbox to the rescue.”
Panel View for Keep 2.8.1
Just a CSS bug fix.
Panel View for Keep 2.8
This was originally going to just be a minor update. But I got carried away, so now it’s a major one.
Panel View for Keep 2.7
Again with the DOM hacking? Yes. Oh yes.
Irregardless, a Chrome extension
I wrote an extension for Chrome at lunch today. Its function is simple: to replace instances of the word “irregardless” with “regardless.” Use real words, kids.