Junior Bucks game
We returned Namine’s sport wheelchair and caught part of a basketball tournament.
iSACRA Awareness Day
June 6 is iSACRA Awareness Day, a day for members to show their pride in who they are. ♿
Basketball and tennis
Namine had a full day of sports!
Strength exercises in basketball
Namine’s coaches have her working on arm strength.
Basketball and soccer
Namine had a full day of sports!
Back to basketball
Namine hasn’t been to basketball practice in a while, due in part to holiday craziness and in part to medical things like getting her teeth pulled. She was happy to return.
Speed and movement in basketball
Namine is working on maneuvering her sport chair.
Shooting baskets
Namine can do something this week that she couldn’t do even just last week.
Basketball practice
Namine is getting faster and stronger in her sport wheelchair.
A day of sports
Namine had a great time at basketball practice and ice hockey.
Basketball with the new wheelchair
Namine got to take her brand new, custom-built wheelchair for a spin at basketball practice.
Just some basketball fun
We were late for basketball, but when we arrived, no one but the coach was there.