
Namine Olivia Eiche was born on July 15, 2008 with a double-inlet left ventricle heart defect; Pierre Robin sequence, a condition that resulted in a regressed jaw and a partial (U-shaped) cleft palate; caudal regression syndrome (also known as sacral agenesis), which damages the growth of the tailbone and legs, also giving her clubfoot; and scoliosis.

  • Namine’s fever is going down

    I took Namine’s temp tonight before putting her to bed, and it was 99. That’s down from 100, so we’re getting there. She’s chewing on damn near everything, and this was even after dinner, so I’m pretty sure her teeth are bothering her. I know her two-year molars are coming in, so that would pretty…

  • Countdown to decannulation

    Well, kids, we’re in the final week before Namine gets rid of her trach.

  • Tribute to Namine tonight

    Tonight my friend and coworker Derek is performing with his band at the House of Guinness in Waukesha, in tribute to Namine.

  • Special needs week

    Some thoughts on recent special needs-related Facebook posts.

  • Procedure recovery periods

    In answer to the question of recovery periods, Namine will be in the hospital for up to 3 days after they remove the trach. A week or so later, her stoma (tracheostomy hole in her throat) will be closed, end of story. The foot surgery, on the other hand, has a recovery period of 6-8…

  • Foot surgery reschedule

    Or so we are led to believe. Ortho called today, and they want to put Namine back on the schedule for having her feet repaired.

  • Fatten her up already!

    Namine has had weight issues all her life. Right now she’s stuck at 17-18 pounds, and it doesn’t look like she’s going to put on more weight any time soon. It doesn’t make sense, because she’s obviously growing, getting longer, but she’s not putting on weight like she ought to. Naturally, her doctors scold us…

  • Much news

    Happy horse day! Today Namine had equestrian therapy, and Jess said she enjoyed it quite a bit. I’m told the benefits will far outweigh her smelling like a horse. I kid, I kid. But on to other serious matters. Namine also had a cardiology appointment, and I got a call from pulmonology about her decannulation.…

  • Birthday photos complete

    Okay kids, I’ve uploaded the rest of the pictures. FileZilla hates me, but I got it done. I built the other page for the 8×10 photos too, so browse to your hearts’ content.

  • More pictures, less trach

    I had already uploaded all of the original pictures from when we took Namine to get her birthday pictures taken. Jessica asked me to upload all of the pictures that had effects done to them, such as sepia tones, black and white, et cetera. I’ve uploaded the 5×7 so far. I’ll try to get to…

  • News!

    Hello all, It was a not so fun and fun day today.  We had a visit back at teach vent clinic where they took a trach asperate, or culture,  to see what is growing if anything. As we ran some errands I got a call for different breathers for Namine. While on the phone the…

  • Fries and ketchup, hold the fries

    We went out this evening, with the intention of stopping by the UPS store to pick up a package, going to dinner, and stopping by Jess’s mom’s apartment before heading back home. Let’s just say things didn’t exactly go to plan. That’s okay, though. We still had a fun time out together, and we got…