Namine Olivia Eiche was born on July 15, 2008 with a double-inlet left ventricle heart defect; Pierre Robin sequence, a condition that resulted in a regressed jaw and a partial (U-shaped) cleft palate; caudal regression syndrome (also known as sacral agenesis), which damages the growth of the tailbone and legs, also giving her clubfoot; and scoliosis.
Variety holiday party
We had a great time at the annual Variety holiday party!
Trick or treat
Namine and I went out trick or treating!
Trunk or treat
We took Namine to a local trunk or treat.
Stein’s Trick or Treat
It’s that time of year again, for trick or treating at Stein’s!
Fall Fest
Namine had a lot of fun at their school’s Homecoming dance.
Fall ball concluded
That’s a wrap on the Fall season of Miracle League baseball!
Lab draw and an ER visit
Namine had a routine lab blood draw, but it led to an unexpected trip to the ER.
Service project at Zachariah’s Acres
Namine volunteered at Zachariah’s Acres for the start of their community service hours.
Apple picking
We picked the coldest day to go apple picking!
Fall ball
A new fall season of baseball has begun!
Sedated MRI
We are one step closer to solving Namine’s abdominal pain for good. Unfortunately, that means more surgery in the future.
Marcus picnic
Yes, that Marcus.