Sandwich artistry
I had a professor who was triggered by job titles. It inspired a comic.
Pumpkin banana bread
We wanted to make pumpkin banana bread this morning. We couldn’t find the recipe, so we just made banana bread. But for some reason, the term “pumpkin banana” lodged itself into my brain, so out came this comic.
Avocado ambush
When food goes bad, at least in its own mind.
Weird ingredients
This comic was inspired by “Chopped.”
Snow day
How about this low-pressure system, huh?
Speaking the language
MRW I have to use music terminology.
Money-saving tip
This comic was inspired by a tube of superglue.
No, this didn’t really happen. This is just how I feel being a non-musical person working for a music company.
Just another day at work
This has nothing to do with the beer in the vending machine, I promise.
Cheese wheels
Norma reminds Bob that real life is not, in fact, like his favorite video game.
Coffee jam
Inspired by an impromptu and unrehearsed dance routine at the coffee machine in the office today.
I make bad jokes on porpoise.
I’m not sorry at all.