Therapy morning
I just want my bed, please.
Chicken bacon
You might be asking yourself what chicken bacon is or you might already know. It is fabulous, it is delicious.
A Day at the Farm
Today was Namine’s field trip with the RVA to the Homestead Farm in Hartland.
Amazing progress
Namine got a late start at school this year because she needed heart surgery.
Fun among chaos
Today Namine had a playdate with her friend Norah and I had adult conversation her mom Amanda. We have been trying to go to the zoo for quite sometime, but the weather and the schedules just did not line up until day.
School work
Some of Namine’s school work. She did a great job.
Namine made me a bracelet using patterns. ❤️
Speaking a new way
On Thursday I took Namine to the speech pathologist at Children’s. He wanted to see and hear Namine speak with the prosthetic and without it. I had not put the prosthetic in because it makes Namine throw up. So we went without it, I still had it in my purse. Namine did her talking into…
Sharing is the nice thing to do
So we’re at the drive-through.
Rock star
So Namine had her sunglasses on. I told her, “You shouldn’t wear them inside, it will hurt your eyes.” She said, But I want to be a rock star. Mom, when will I be a rock star?
Cath Before the Fontan
We’re trying to schedule Namine’s heart catheterization for the Fontan.
At the hospital
Namine was just taken back, screaming her head off. So sad.