Namine has been looking forward to prom since she left the last one. She always has a great time at all the school dances, and prom has proved to be no exception. We were afraid for a while that her recovery from surgery would interfere with her ability to come to the dance, but she has done remarkably well.
Each year, the prom dance has a different theme. This year’s was “masquerade ball,” so Namine wasted no time in finding an outfit and mask that she loved. She knew immediately that she wanted long, flowy sleeves. She also picked out a metal masquerade mask. Most come with a handle, but she found one with an elastic band since she needed both hands to wheel.
Namine enjoyed herself immensely at the dance, but she spent less time in the dance hall this year than last. As she’s gotten older, she has found that loud noises, especially when there is a lot of bass that you can feel in your chest, makes her chest hurt. She didn’t recall that being the case at previous dances, but it was at this one. Fortunately, there was more to do at the dance than just dance.
Across the hall was a game room, for example. Namine has been known to play Mario Kart. There were plenty of books, one of which she had picked out and started to read when Jessica and I came to pick her up. She also had friends to mingle with. Namine didn’t care for the louder music, but there were some softer songs for which she came back onto the dance floor. Namine even got to dance with her crush.

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