Back when Namine participated in The Ability Center’s “Shop with a Cop” event, she wanted to get a new bike helmet with a mohawk. We couldn’t find one that fit her, but Jessica and I did get her an adhesive mohawk strip for her current helmet (which still fits fine) and gave it to her for Christmas.
With the nicer weather, Namine and I had the chance to get out for a wheel run. As I was pumping up her tires, I remembered the mohawk strip. I asked Namine if she wanted to wear her new mohawk out, to which she responded with an enthusiastic “Yes!”
Before we headed out, Namine remarked that she and I were mohawk buddies. I don’t think I currently have much of one (gotta have Jessica touch it up again because they’re high maintenance), but I’m always happy to be considered a mohawk buddy.

In case you’re wondering, the bottom of Namine’s sock says, “do not disturb.” The bottom of the other sock says, “I’m gaming.” Those are my socks she’s wearing.
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