When we first got there, we waited for a bit, because not everyone was there yet. Once everyone got there and had their wristbands on, we headed towards the aquarium. At first, I wasn’t really sure where to go, so I just explored around the area.
Then I found the most ADORABLE little turtle. I stared at him swimming for like 5 minutes, then I had to move out of the way so that other people could take a look. But we definitely bonded in those few minutes together.
Then I went around a different way and found some cool snakes. Once we all finished exploring, we went downstairs to the actual aquarium, where I found some cool fish. Then we went through an underwater tunnel, and it was so pretty.

Then we got to the ‘touch zone’ area where I tried to pet a stingray (the stingers had been taken out, but we still only touched their backs). It did not go well. I tried countless times to pet a stingray that came near me, but they never got close enough to the surface for me to pet one. After that, we moved on from the aquarium and went to the technology area.
There was a cool lightning thing where we had to put our hands into a metal glove while it was on, but I decided to not do that. Turns out I made a good decision. A little bit later, I saw someone else try it and as soon as they put their hand in, they pulled it out screaming the word, “Ow!”
Then we moved onto the other area of the technology area, and I built a dragonfly toy made out of foam (the parts were built by a machine). I tried putting it together, but failed. I can always try again tomorrow, though.
Once we finished exploring that area, we went upstairs and went into a print class. Some kids made screen prints, while others made stamps and stamped. I stamped, mainly. I also had a pencil from making a stamp, so I drew a picture of cats (a mommy and a baby kitty). After we left print class, our time was up, so we went home.

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