October 2022
Trick or treat
For the third (and final, for this year at least) time, we went trick, and trunk, or treating.
Trunk or treat
We went to a trunk or treat here in town.
X-rays, routine and otherwise
What was meant to be a routine trip to the orthopedic doctor ended up including one more X-ray than we expected.
Namine playing a certain song takes me back to my own time in high school.
Stein’s trick or treat
Namine went as a piggy at Variety’s trick or treat event.
Talk at the Medical College
It’s that time again! We were asked back to the Medical College of Wisconsin to give our yearly talk on equipment and accessibility.
China Lights
We spent the evening with friends seeing the China Lights exhibits.
Fall Fest Dance
Namine attended her first school dance!
A warmer evening baseball
It was another great evening for baseball, and a warmer one than last week.
Inclusive Fall Festival
We took Namine to a Variety family event, the second annual Inclusive Fall Festival.