Tonight was the first baseball game of the new season with the Miracle League in Dane County. We arrived early, and good thing too, because everyone was still sorting out where kids needed to go and where their Buddies were.
As it turned out, Namine’s Buddy (whom she met last week) was not there. There were a couple Buddies who normally would have stayed in the dugout, but one of them came out to help Namine this week. We’ll see what next week brings.

Each Miracle League game usually consists of two innings — which allows each team member to get up to bat twice. Depending on the size of the team, each inning can take up to fifteen minutes, allowing for an hour long game. There was enough time tonight, though, that they were able to fit in a third inning.
As we were driving out of the parking lot, we saw one of Namine’s friends that she met last week at the meet and greet. We’ll have to take our time leaving next week so Namine can say hi before her friend’s game starts.
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