Team Namine’s shirt design

The custom design for our Al’s Run shirts is submitted!

I’ll be completely honest, I thought we weren’t going to qualify for a shirt design this year. Teams have to have at least ten members, and we only had nine, and the cutoff date is today. But then last night we had a couple more people join, so I finished up a design last night. You can check it out here. 👇

The original design just said “Team Namine” at the top. When I showed Namine the design this morning, she told me I had a missed opportunity. She said, “It should say ‘Team Namine Rules.’ You know, because you have a ruler.”

I can’t believe I missed such an easy spot for a pun. The student has become the master!

Al’s Run is certainly different this year. Instead of an event on a single day, they’ve got a virtual event going on for a month and a half, from August first to September 12th. Namine and I are going out for bike rides — she rides, I run — as much as we can. In the meantime, I would encourage you to join Team Namine or donate directly to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. It’s not too late to get a t-shirt (although you won’t get one with a custom backprint), and it’s never too late to help out children like Namine.

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