About this time of year, we’d normally be getting ready to meet up with teachers and other parents of Rural Virtual Academy for their school orientation. I say “normally,” because that’s not going to happen because of COVID-19 and the need for maintaining social distancing.
It might seem strange that the school orientation for a virtual school typically would be a physical, face-to-face event. But that’s the thing about a virtual school — we don’t see Namine’s teachers, classmates, or other parents nearly as often as brick-and-mortar schoolmates do. The orientation, along with other events like Brewer games and Gallery Night, is a chance to meet, socialize, and otherwise hobnob.
We are sad that we won’t get to meet up with the parents we’re accustomed to seeing each year, especially since we missed out on that same opportunity when state testing was canceled. Orientation will happen over Zoom instead, which we’ve had enough experience with after Namine has had so many virtual play dates over the summer.
We’re still excited for what the school year holds for Namine, who is now entering — drum roll, please — seventh grade. We still can’t believe it!
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