The plan was originally for Namine to go to the play with my parents and sister, but my sister had to work. With one unused ticket, I decided to come.
Milwaukee has some absolutely fabulous venues. I just wrote about how we recently attended Nutcracker, something my parents took me to in my youth (however unappreciated it might have been at the time). Another tradition, passed down from my parents and me to Namine is attending First Stage shows.
First Stage is a children’s theater group, and the amount of effort they put into their shows is incredible. Namine has now been to countless First Stage shows: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Robin Hood, and others. (Seriously, I can’t even remember them all.) If you live near Milwaukee — even if you don’t have children — you owe it to yourself to check them out. (No, they’re not paying me to say this. They’re simply that good.)
After the musical, we stopped out by the Christmas trees for a quick picture before heading back out into the cold.

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