We look forward each year to Variety’s trick or treat. Variety is a children’s charity organization, and they partner with Stein’s to have an accessible Halloween experience for children of all abilities.
We didn’t have the chance to get a proper costume for Namine. We didn’t even have any face paint! Not one to be deterred, she put on a headband with cat ears and declared herself a cat. (It’s not like we were going to skip trick or treating, since we won’t be home for the neighborhood one.)
At Stein’s, they had set up almost 20 doors decorated differently — there were superhero, movie, TV show, and Halloween themes. After checking out all the doors, the children were encouraged to vote for their favorite.

Surprising no one, Namine declared that her favorite door was the Hulk’s.
After we had made our way around to see all the doors (and cast our vote), we headed inside for more fun. There was a cookie decorating station, where Namine made a smiling pumpkin.

There was also a face painting station, where we saw none other than our friend Suzy Sparkles (“Sparkles” is not actually her last name, I don’t think). Since Namine had come as a cat but sans face paint, Suzy remedied that quick enough.

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