October 2019
Trick or treating
We fought through the cold and snow for the poorest candy haul yet. We still had fun though! 😲🌨
Carving pumpkins
Namine carved her pumpkin for Halloween!
Improving bowling aim
Namine has been steadily improving her freehand throws in bowling.
Vacation postponed
I’m sorry to say that we’re all sick, so we can’t go on vacation.
Trick or treat at Stein’s
Namine dressed as a cat for the Variety trick or treat!
Speech at the medical college
Jessica, Namine, and I were asked back to the Medical College of Wisconsin to give our talk on accessibility. ♿
Tour de Force kickoff
A new season of ballet has begun! ♿🩰
Namine’s new bike
We picked up Namine’s new hand-pedal bike!
Bowling league
Namine bowled for the first time in a league!
Measured for a new wheelchair
Namine was measured for a new wheelchair!