Namine loves all things pirates. She’s been on a pirate kick lately, so she asked if she could have a pirate party. We said no, this year we’ll just have some family and friends over at your aunt’s house. Little did she know that we invited a lot of people, and told everyone to come dressed as a pirate!
Namine was indeed very surprised, and she absolutely loved it. We had a ton of stuff: treasure boxes filled with gold and gems for the kids, pirate hats, eye patches, and stick-on mustaches, even inflatable swords.
It didn’t take Namine long after she put on her fake mustache to take it off again. She said to me, “this thing keeps going up my nose! I don’t know how you stand it.” (I actually grew out my mustache and beard just for her pirate party, and now that it’s over, I got rid of it.)
We had some absolutely wonderful weather — we couldn’t have picked a better day. The kids played “pin the patch on the pirate,” played in the kiddie pool, and squirted each other with water guns. We had also gotten some temporary tattoo pens, so I gave kids and adults alike some pirate-themed tattoos.

Jessica and her sister Melissa did an amazing job on the cake. It was a pirate ship, baked, molded, and built completely from scratch, and surrounded by cupcakes made to look like the ocean. It was all decorated with little pirate figurines, but there were no cannons. That was no problem, either: Melissa’s husband 3D-printed one to go on the ship!

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