A day of sports

Namine had a great time at basketball practice and ice hockey.


Basketball practice has started up for another season. Namine is still somewhat getting used to her custom sport chair, since the cage in front (which protects her legs) makes building momentum a little more difficult. Once she gets going, though, watch out!

Namine’s chair makes some things more difficult, like dribbling, but some things easier, like holding the ball in her lap. She’s got a better grasp on the teamwork aspects of playing the game now, so she’s working more at pick-and-rolls. (As an aside, her longer chair provides quite the road block to her opponents!)

Sled hockey

After basketball, we headed straight to the sled hockey event. Actually, it wasn’t sled hockey per se, as it was called “Learn to Skate.” Namine has participated in these events a couple times before when they’ve been held, but they’re not regular by any means. Namine always has an absolute blast, so we didn’t want to miss it.

Namine can’t yet go out on the ice all by herself — I can attest that the sleds are quite difficult to maneuver — and there were no sleds with a handle on the back. That was no deterrent, however, and the head coach was able to attach one quickly. After fitting Namine with a helmet, the coach’s daughter took her out on the ice.

Namine was out there for about an hour. Jessica and I walked around the rink watching her, and just as we said to each other that we probably ought to call her in, she herself asked to be taken in. She had a wonderful time.

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