Back in September, Namine broke her leg. We don’t even know how it happened; she just told us that her leg hurt, and it felt like it did back when she broke it last February.
We’ve paid a visit to Namine’s orthopedic surgeon a few times in the past couple months for x-rays. Last time, there were still slight breaks in her leg — a compression fracture above her knee and a hairline fracture in the middle of her femur. Namine was given permission to stand and climb, but not walk in her walker.
The latest visit to the orthopedic surgeon, however, revealed that Namine’s leg has completely healed; there are no longer any breaks or fractures of any kind. With that, she finally has her doctor’s permission to walk in her walker again, which means resuming physical therapy.
Not only that, but Namine can also finally attend dance class. The wonderful people at Anita’s Dance Center have always been understanding and accommodating for her. Even though dance classes started in September, they’ve been more than willing to accept a late starter.
Unfortunately, Namine will always be at risk for broken bones. Caudal regression syndrome affects everyone differently, and this is one of the ways in which it has affected her. Despite the heightened risk, though, Namine continues to be fearless (much to our chagrin). I suppose this is one of those times when I, as a parent, have to stop worrying and let my daughter live her life. (It’s very hard not to helicopter sometimes.)
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