We had a busy past couple days. Namine had a couple friends over for her very first slumber party, and then we threw her a birthday party at the park.
As a treat for Namine and her friends, Jessica and I took them to Build-A-Bear and let them pick out one bear, plus an outfit for said bear. The girls had a lot of fun. (I did too!)
If you’re not acquainted with it, part of the whole “making your own stuffed friend” process is that you get to help the employee stuff your toy. There’s a foot pedal that you step on which pumps the stuffing in, while the employee makes sure the stuffing gets evened out inside the toy.
The last time I was in a Build-A-Bear with Jessica and Namine, the employee handed the foot pedal to Namine (who, of course, was in her wheelchair). This time, though, Namine didn’t ask for it to be handed to her. She rolled up to it and popped a wheelie, landing neatly on the pedal. I was surprised, but I suppose I shouldn’t be. She’s always figured out for herself how to do what she needs to.

Making a cake
When we got home, the girls played with their new bears (although come to think of it, none of the girls actually got bears) while Jessica and I got the rainbow cake batters ready.
Yeah, Namine wanted a rainbow cake for her birthday, which meant six bowls of batter. Extra dishes? You bet. Extra mess? With three girls, you better believe it. Did we mind? Not a bit. Making your own cake holds more appeal than just buying one, not to mention making some great memories.
Since Namine’s party at the part was at 1:00 in the afternoon the following day, it made more sense to make the cakes that night, and decorate them the next morning. The girls weren’t going to get a good night’s sleep that night anyway, for obvious reasons. (In case you need a hint, the top two reasons rhyme with “bumber” and “barty.”)

Decorating the cake
True to our suspicions, the girls did not sleep much. They were up past midnight and up around 6:00 in the morning. After the initial frosting and lettering of the cake (which Jessica handled), the girls were put completely in charge of the cake.

The girls ended up using three whole tubes of frosting and somewhere around two whole containers of differently colored sprinkles. Worth it just for the smiles! (As for loading up three small girls with sugar: what could possibly go wrong?)

Party at the park
Namine has had some pretty large birthday parties in the past, but this one was a little more low-key — just a few close friends and family. The canopied area with the picnic tables was at the top of a large hill, so of course our little daredevil flew down it repeatedly in her wheelchair. (I’m a little past having a heart attack every time she does it, but she still makes me nervous.)

Namine had a great time at her birthday party. Of course these things are always over a little too soon. Jessica and I were pretty exhausted when we got home, but Namine was still go go go. (We took a nap while she played.) Oh, to have the energy of a child!

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