July 2017
Grocery shopping
While on a trip to the store, Namine got a boost of self-confidence.
Team Up! For Fun Camp
Namine had a lot of fun this past week at camp.
Small basketball group
It was just Namine, her coach, and one other kid at basketball practice this morning.
Accidental accessibility
I’ve been working on a search suggest box for a project. You know the type: you start typing in the search box, and a list of suggestions appears below it.
The weather was quite muggy tonight for Namine’s baseball game.
Happy birthday Namine!
Namine turned nine! I can still hardly believe it.
Almost rained out
It was raining when Jessica and Namine arrived at the YMCA this evening, but fortunately the weather cleared up enough before the game started.
Picture in picture mode
I’ve been looking forward to the latest release (as of this writing) of Aesop Story Engine.
On Sunday we came up to Aunt CR’s house to celebrate the fourth of July and just have some fun. Namine and I stayed while Paul had to leave Tuesday night to get back to work on Wednesday.
On self-harm
It started with an innocent enough question.