March 2017
The good and bad of labels
The dark underbelly of the special needs community is the dislike of the label of “special needs” itself. That, combined with the fact that many able-bodied people are writing and speaking for disabled people (both by professionals and caregivers), can be a recipe for disaster.
Obamacare saved my daughter
Losing the Affordable Care Act would be devastating. Without it, my daughter would most likely be dead.
Microphone stand
For Christmas, Namine received a little microphone and stand. The stand was perfect for us to use in a little homemade physical therapy.
Dance decisions
Namine told me about a decision she made about her upcoming recital.
Growing girl
We’ve been told repeatedly that Namine’s legs would stop growing, but it hasn’t happened yet.
Dental appointment
Namine had a dental checkup today. The time for her jaw expansion draws ever closer, but not as close as we thought.
Basketball practice
After being out for a few weeks, Namine enjoyed coming back to basketball practice.
Robin Hood
We went on a field trip with Namine’s school to see a play.
Presentation at Marquette
This afternoon Jessica, Namine, and I gave a presentation to an engineering class at Marquette University.