We were all super excited and couldn’t sleep, especially me. I was more worried about missing our reservation than anything. I was having nightmares about missing our time slot. So I was up at 5:30, we didn’t have to be up until 7. I got up and because I was up little Lilly wanted up and out. So she and I went upstairs and I let her out and then she got excited and woke everyone up. So we were all up by six, which was a good thing. It let us leave early and have more time to walk and shop.

When we left Ann’s house it was foggy and a little cool. The drive down was as easy as pie, thanks to my driving, wink wink. Just kidding, Ann drove. We got to the store and parked in the structure and Ann got out of the car and said holy manoly is it hot in here. We all got out and said the same thing. The structure was like a sauna. Ann and I left our jackets in the car. I still had on a long sleeve t-shirt and a sweater, because I’m always cold. Well after walking around the store for about an hour I was roasting. They had the heat on and it was 65 degrees outside.

While the girls flitted and fluttered between looking at the different girls and accessories, Ann and I kept an eye on the time so we didn’t miss our reservation. We went to the salon to get Olivia’s girls ears pierced, Namine’s girl already had hers done. We then went and looked at the “Wellie Wishers.” Namine loves her “Wellie Wisher” that her great Great Grandpa got her for Christmas. They don’t have as many accessories for these dolls yet. I am pretty sure that in the future that they will. Namine and Olivia played with some of the displays and I can only imagine what their Christmas list for Santa next year will include. As we were checking out some of the deals I overheard someone say we need to get in line for lunch. So I told Ann we should head upstairs and get in line, so we did. We couldn’t check in until quarter to, so we did what the girls wanted and went and looked around for another half hour, after a water break. We took a minute to look at the look alike dolls and both Namine and Olivia found their dolls. It was cool looking at all the different combinations of hair and eye color you could pick from. It was also amazing to me all the different accessories that the girls could have. I’ll talk more on this later.

After looking around we headed to lunch. When you first sit down you get a mini cinnamon roll, then an appetizer that has fresh cut veggies, garlic bread, hummus, bruschetta and ranch. Olivia had never had hummus and asked to try it. She did not like it and spit it out. Ann told her to use her napkin and she went to use the sleeve of her dress. Ann and I started laughing at the way she spit it out and as we were trying to pull ourselves together I look over at Namine and she has her glass of ice tea sideways and almost spilling it. Ann leans over to me and says, “I think we should have just gone to the Rain Forest Café because that is where these animals belong.”

I laughed so hard, we laughed so hard we were crying. We ordered our food and no one was listening to the menu so we ordered for the littles and kept on playing tea party until the food came. Olivia was sad that she didn’t get a hot dog as well, so Namine shared hers. Ann and I got cheeseburgers with salads. All of the food was good. The service was good and we all had a great time. Now for more shopping!
With how warm the store was and the crowd getting bigger I was getting ready to go. But I didn’t want to spoil it for everyone. So we stayed and shopped. We looked at the horse drawn carriages, the baths with plastic bubbles, eye glasses, pajamas, strollers, dishes, baking sets: not just for the dolls but the girls as well: brushes, tree houses, badges, wilderness packs, camping sets, outfits and the previous girls of the year and then the classic girls. That was fun. We went to a sock-hop, sat in an egg chair from the 70s and went into a teepee with a wolf. We also go to see the stage of the new girl of the year, Gabriella, she is a dancer. The girls played hopscotch and read books, looked at movies and more girls and dresses for themselves.
They looked at the mini girls and the sock-hop set that you can purchase, and carrying cases for their dolls. By the time we left both Ann and myself were carrying both of the girls’ dolls and everything else. We spent just a little over five hours there and still didn’t get to see everything. I guess we missed a whole floor. Oh well we will have to go back and do it again. I would lie if I said I didn’t have fun. I had a great time and I think everyone else did as well. They didn’t want to go and said no we are not tired or hot, but as soon as we got in the car Olivia fell fast asleep and I think Namine would have too but she kept playing with things to keep herself awake, because that night she was out like a light, like her mom.
I hope the next time we go we have as much fun if not more and maybe the guys will join us. Although they had a great day of shopping too.

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