January 2017
Timelines 1.1
I’m happy to announce the first (slight) update to my timeline plugin for WordPress.
Cover 1.8.1
What will probably be the last release of Cover is available now.
Fenestration follow-up
Namine’s fenestration might not be closed after all.
Timelines plugin
I’ve been working on a new project for the website, and I think it’s ready for showing off.
American Girl trip
Last Saturday my sister Ann and I took our girls down to Chicago for a day at the American Girl Store.
Valentine’s Day bulletin board
We knew those toilet paper tubes would come in handy.
Namine’s first day back to basketball in the new year went quite well.
Face your fears
I came across this article the other day. It’s about college students today, and how as a trend, they are avoiding the things which make them uncomfortable.
Expectations and reality
Making the best of an imperfect situation.
Twist Car in therapy
Namine brought her new bike to therapy.
This resolution is a promise
2016 was a hard year all around. But our comfort doesn’t come from this world — it comes from the love of Jesus Christ.
Game night
We stayed in for New Year’s Eve. We had a fun game night, Namine stayed up until midnight, and we all rang in the new year together.