March 2016
Getting the cast off
Namine got her cast off today, but her leg is still broken.
Dyeing Easter eggs
Just some pictures of Namine having fun coloring Easter eggs.
Philosophy of a hero
Over the weekend, we took Namine to see Marvel Universe Live. Seeing it prompted some questions from Namine.
Apple cake with custard
A couple days ago, Jessica and I attempted a new dessert recipe. It did not turn out well.
Pure CSS tooltips that work in every browser.
Marvel Universe Live!
We took Namine to see Marvel Universe Live yesterday. It was amazing!
Palermo’s tour
Namine had a field trip yesterday to Palermo’s Pizza Factory.
Weird ingredients
This comic was inspired by “Chopped.”
More like herself
Namine has been moving around more on her own, climbing and scooting as much as she can.
Trip to Urgent Care
It wasn’t Jessica or Namine who had to be seen by a doctor tonight. This time it was me.
Cover 1.7.1
What started out as a bug fix turned into a partial rewrite.
What is love?
Sometimes I like to ask Namine questions to which there is no wrong answer. The answer she gives me is the right one for her.