When Namine and I arrived at the school where basketball camp takes place, the only available parking space was where we’d have to enter on the lower level, then take the elevator up. But the elevator is out of order, so we had to walk all the around the school to the main entrance, where there was a ramp.

Jordan — the instructor and all-around guy in charge of basketball camp — is on vacation this week. As a result, camp was a little less organized, at least at the start. Namine kind of did her own thing, but that was cool too.
After some free for all time — during which Namine shot hoops at a basket more her size — they started to put together some one-on-one offense-defense scrimmages. Namine got her chance at it, too.
When Namine was on defense last week, she was hesitant to actually collide wheelchairs with the person she was guarding. She was a little more willing this week.
Next came what seems to be Namine’s favorite event each week: a game of sharks versus minnows.
Last week, she didn’t quite get the rules. She just wheeled around the gym (but that’s cool too). But this week she followed the rules, and she definitely did her part to tag people when it was her turn to be a shark.
After basketball camp was over, Namine still had not had enough (of course). The little daredevil zoomed down the ramp on the way out!
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