When we pulled up to the church — although the word hardly suffices to describe this cathedral at which the wedding was held — this was the sight that greeted us.

It was indeed an impressive sight. Once upon a time, I might have remarked upon its beauty. Now, however, my first thought was, I hope there’s an elevator. Namine asked me why I wouldn’t just carry her and her wheelchair up the stairs.
From time to time, I will carry Namine’s wheelchair with her in it up stairs — out of necessity, mostly, but sometimes convenience — but rarely where there is a flight of more than a dozen steps. There were more than a dozen steps here, to be sure. I was flattered that Namine had such confidence in my strength, but… I’m not that strong.
We circled around the church to find a hill and an accessible entrance to the church. I let the girls out and parked the car down the hill.

Inside the church was as lovely as well; it was so ornate. You don’t have to be Catholic to appreciate the beauty of a Catholic church. I’m not going to talk about the service, save for one thing: Namine fell asleep. I suspect that it was because she was still rather tired because we’d gotten into town so late.
During the reception, we happened to sit at one of the tables nearest the back. This would have been of no import, except that we couldn’t make out what anyone with a microphone was saying. We could hear their faint voices, but could understand no words.
That was unfortunate, since I rather would have liked to hear the bride’s father’s speech. The next person to speak, one Bobby, apparently had very vocal fans sitting at the table next to us. They were also very vocal fans of alcohol.
During all this, Namine and her cousin entertained themselves by watching episodes of what appeared to be fairies. Or pixies. (These were not Disney fairies, though; those I would have recognized.)

When it was time for our table to get food from the buffet line, I hesitated to leave the two girls by themselves. Namine told me with a grin, “We’ll be fine, don’t worry. Trust me.”
Trust me, she says. Did the fox have such a grin when he promised to keep the hens so safe and sound?
But trust them I did, and nothing at all came of it. The entire evening, in fact, the two cousins behaved themselves and had fun together.
After dinner, it was time for dancing. Namine danced her heart out. Or rather, I should say “off” — the heart jewel (don’t worry, it was really just plastic) fell, broke, or came off (I don’t know which) her bracelet during her shenanigans. She moved with vigor, that’s for sure.
For the most part, Namine stayed in her wheelchair. Moving in it is clunky, though, and nothing matches the smoother movement of your own body; so for a short while, she did climb down and dance on the floor. During one of the songs — Staying Alive — Namine spun around, one hand in the air, while everyone around her watched and clapped.
Every time she wanted to dance with someone, though, she’d climb back into her wheelchair. This was the only way she could hold other people’s hands while she danced.
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