We did finally find a dress for Namine, but it took quite a bit of searching to get to that point. We found that most dresses are made of a material that doesn’t stretch, but for Namine’s chest, we need it to. Remember that she’s had open heart surgery twice, and as a result, her ribs are much wider for having been cracked open and closed again.
Because Namine’s ribs are wider, a dress that fits the rest of her (taking into account that she needs shorter dress because she has small legs) will be too tight on her torso.

We eventually did find a dress with stretchy material for the top section. It was comfortable, and just as importantly, Namine loved it. Of course it’s likely to be meant as a skirt, whereas for Namine it ends up being more of a gown, but that’s okay. She looks amazing in it.

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