November 2014
The most important thing
Thanksgiving Day held a surprise in store, but not for us.
Swan Princess
One of Namine’s aunts gave her a Swan Lake doll. She loves it!
Too close for comfort
During our visit to the Dolphin Tale Adventure museum, we saw a small simulation of the hurricane shown in the first Dolphin Tale movie. Namine thought it was exciting, but it brought back some pretty vivid memories for me.
The last day
Alas, every vacation must end. And to that end, today is our last day in Florida.
Seeing Winter
Our vacation is soon drawing to a close, but we’re not yet rejoining our northern kin in their snowy winter. No, today we saw Winter the dolphin, star of the movie Dolphin Tale, at the Clearwater Aquarium.
Kennedy Space Center
We spent the day at the Kennedy Space Center!
A cold day out
It was significantly colder today than yesterday.
Fun in the… well, not sun
I’m glad we got to play in the pool today, because I think the weather will not allow it again.
Swimming and a sunset
We’re all tired after our first full day in Florida. Tired, but happy.
Well-traveled fly
When we were still in Georgia, a fly entered our car.
Vacation, day 2
Don’t look for a “vacation day 1” post, because it isn’t there. I was too tired (as we all were) to write about the first leg of our trip last night.
Edible spelling
Namine had to do something for school the other day which I thought was weird.