On Sunday we (Jessica, Namine, and myself) joined my sister, my brother, and his wife in going to a pumpkin farm. My mom had planned on joining us as well, but she was too sick. As it was, we were just starting to come down with whatever is now afflicting us — possibly a simple cold, possibly more — but we weren’t yet too sick to enjoy an outing in the cool autumn air.
There was much to do, so we started off with the games. Namine wanted to try the “treasure in a haystack” game, so I helped her out of her wheelchair and into the hay. (I expect we’ll be picking hay out of her clothes for quite some time.)
It really was akin to finding a needle in a haystack. The treasure in question was actually a key, which in turn would be traded in for a toy of some sort. Namine was having no luck by herself, so after asking permission from the employee running the game, I joined Namine in the hay pile. Even with the two of us looking, it took some time. Then I saw a glimmer in the sunlight, revealing our prize. I uncovered it a bit more and nudged Namine in the right direction, allowing her to discover it. She traded her key in for a spider ring.
We also came across a whacking game, which Jessica helped her with, and a fishing game, which Namine played several times. She won a couple necklaces, and gave one to her Aunt Lydia.
We had a little time to kill before getting on the hay ride, so she got her face painted.
At first, Namine chose a heart. She wheeled up to the face painting table and I gave the lady her money. As she started painting Namine’s forehead, I looked around at the other stuff inside. There was a creepy guy with a castle backdrop, ideal for Halloween pictures (which we took advantage of later), and a place where you could milk a cow. (But not a real cow.)
When I turned back to Namine, I saw what looked like the strangest heart I’d ever seen. It soon revealed itself to be a ladybug, which made more sense.
After Namine’s forehead ladybug was done, we all took turns posing in front of the castle backdrop.
We also milked the pressboard cow. It was a bit weird for Namine, and she wanted little to do with it.
We also put Namine in the stocks.
Then it was off to the hay ride.
The driver was nice enough to let us bring Namine’s wheelchair on board with us. We were unsure whether or not we were going to get off when he stopped at the pumpkin patch. As it turned out, we decided not to. We did get some pumpkins and gourds, just not where we would have to carry them quite so far.
Even though we were a bit sick, we still had a great time. It’s not often our schedules coincide so that all three of us kids (or so I still think of my siblings and myself) can get together.
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