July 2014
Stronger every day
Namine got her new braces — AFOs (ankle-foot orthotics), to be exact, although “brace” is just easier to say — last week. Her old braces were too small for her ever-growing feet, and she needed more support than her shoes could give.
The company you keep
While my parents are on vacation, it is left to those left behind to care for their cats. Namine accompanied me on one trip to their house.
Explaining herself
Yesterday evening, Jessica and I were talking — about what, I don’t recall. Namine quietly and politely said, “Excuse me, Daddy.”
This evening Namine and I went for a short walk to the park. She got mad because I didn’t help her get into her wheelchair.
Biscuit books
Instead of having me read to her at night, lately Namine has been reading to me.
Party at grandma’s
Last night Jessica, Namine, and I went over to my parents’ house for Namine’s birthday.
Cake for breakfast
Birthdays come but once a year, so why not celebrate it with cake for breakfast?
On needing a trach
A friend of ours had a new baby recently. Namine has been enamored with her.
She likes a good accent
I have a funny story for you.
Fluidbox plugin
I recently wrote about implementing Fluidbox in my WordPress theme. That’s all well and good, but that was never meant to be a long-term solution — so I split it off into a plugin of its own.
Two fun days
When I say “fun,” I actually mean “not fun.” We’ve spent the last couple days in and out of the pediatrician’s and the ER, trying to figure out why Namine is experiencing abdominal pain. Again.