Speaking a new way

On Thursday I took Namine to the speech pathologist at Children’s. He wanted to see and hear Namine speak with the prosthetic and without it. I had not put the prosthetic in because it makes Namine throw up. So we went without it, I still had it in my purse. Namine did her talking into…

On Thursday I took Namine to the speech pathologist at Children’s. He wanted to see and hear Namine speak with the prosthetic and without it. I had not put the prosthetic in because it makes Namine throw up. So we went without it, I still had it in my purse. Namine did her talking into the microphone and that went well. He and I talked and I told him that the Pat (that’s what I call the palatal prosthetic; it’s just easier to say) makes Namine throw up, and she couldn’t eat with it in, she was just having an all over hard time with it.

So it was on to listening to Namine talk. He uses a mirror to see if she has air leaking out of her nose when she is saying her plosive sounds. There was little to no air leaking out of her nose. So the next thing to do was put this microphone hat on that shows if she is leaking air through her nose and how much.

The last time we had seen him, back in November, Namine had her Pat for about a month, she was ranking in the 7s, which is saying that she was leaking a lot of air. Yesterday when he tested her, Namine was ranking in the 3s and 4s, which is basically normal. He said he did not want me to put Pat in. She did such a fantastic job that even he was super impressed. He couldn’t believe it. He had to go watch her video phonation study from November.

He still thinks that clipping her tongue would benefit her, but Paul and I still have our reservations. This is for a later discussion.

Namine had come so far in such a short amount of time. She started talking at two and a half just in vowels, and now she is blowing our minds with her vocabulary.

One response

  1. With this progress, I think she will be fine.

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