Yesterday afternoon, Namine had a low-grade fever. She hadn’t been feeling the greatest during the day, and we thought perhaps she was getting sick. She’s fairly prone to ear infections, so that’s usually at the top of the list when we suspect illness. I checked her temp this morning, and it was fine. Tonight, however, her temp was back up to 99. Sigh. I don’t know. Part of the problem could be that Namine gets so warm. We call her our little hotbox, she gets so warm. Perhaps that’s part of it, perhaps not.
I took a couple videos today. The first is of her ringing the bell on her bike. Anything music makes her laugh or dance, and a bell fits that description of “musical” perfectly.
In keeping with the theme of music, the second video is of Namine playing the drums on whatever she can find: in this case, Jessica’s case of Canfield’s seltzer water.
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