January 2011
Water therapy
Today Namine had her first experience with water therapy at the YMCA. It wasn’t Namine’s first time in a pool (although it is the first time without a trach), and overall, we think she did well.
A bad night
Namine woke up at about 1:45 in the morning screaming. I don’t mean crying. We’ve heard crying. This was screaming – full of pain and agony, relentless and brutal. I had gone to bed just ten minutes prior, so I was already awake – although I have no doubt that would have gotten out of…
A couple New Year’s videos
I know it’s New Year’s Day and all, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it, at least to me. We put Namine to bed last night at the normal time, so Namine and I popped some plastic bubbles to celebrate. I also posted another video that I’m sure everyone will get a kick out of.