Foot surgery today: pre-op

Well kids, we’re here at the hospital. As usual, expect several posts today, as I’ll make a post after each update from the nurse.

Well kids, we’re here at the hospital. As usual, expect several posts today, as I’ll make a post after each update from the nurse.

They just took Namine back into surgery. They expect about 45 minutes for closing her stoma, at which point the nurse will come out and tell us how it went. Then another 2 hours or so for fixing her feet. The nurse will come out again to give us an update about halfway through that.

3 responses

  1. praying, praying, praying.

  2. Keeping your family in my prayers.

  3. Thanks Paul and Jessica for the updates. We pray all will go well with Namine’s surgeries today. She’s a very precious little girl. It’s amazing to watch her determination and how happy she always is, with all that she has had to go through. The two of you are wonderful parents.

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