September 2008
This past weekend Paul and I had a discussion with the speech therapist and the GI Team about possibly having to place a G-Tube. We do not want her to have one unless it is absolutely necessary. They had not really been working with her on her oral feeds and wanted to push the tube. …
The benefit dinner was awesome. There were so many people at the dinner and the concert it was just super. I had a blast at the concert and also just reminiscing with friends and family that I haven’t seen in long time.
Trache Change and Cares
Well everybody, Paul and I have started the trache cares and changing.
I said-uh, beef hot links
So we keep getting asked, when is she going home? Getting closer every day, that’s all I know for sure. But aside from the typical Zen answer, the only thing left is feeding. Well, that and training. When I say Hillshire, you say Farm! Jess and I sort of did our first trach care today.…
Hold Me
Namine is now back on the fourth floor. Most importantly, this means that she’s off the ventilator, hopefully for good. She’s now on the humidifier (which looks sort of like the vent, but they’re not the same). Some more great news, she can now be held. But remember kids, she’s not a football. Jess and…
Trach Collar
Hey guys. I went to visit Namine last night, and the nurse informed me that she (Namine, not the nurse) had the trach collar on since 9 in the morning, and she’d been doing really well all day. That girl always surprises me. Her trach site doesn’t even look all gushy like most kids’ new…
Benefit Dinner
I am just letting you all know that St. Paul’s in Muskego, the congregation that we belong to, is hosting a dinner for Namine. This dinner will be held in the school gym on September 19 starting at 5 o’clock PM. There will also be a silent auction of various items in the gym. There…