August 2008

  • Tracheostomy Complete

    Wow, another update! This one bears better news, though. It was barely 8 pm when the doctor came by to tell us they were done. She said it was a “textbook operation,” that everything went smoothly. A few minutes later, they wheeled her by, so we were able to see her. She was awake and…

  • Tracheostomy Pending

    Hey everybody. Words cannot express my frustration – scratch that. Anger doesn’t even convey what we’re feeling. Jessica and I arrived at the hospital at about 7:15 this morning (Mom and Grandma arrived at about 7:30), with promises of Namine going off to surgery at 8 am. That was actually changed to 7:45, tentatively; they…

  • New Layout

    Well, doesn’t this look different. Let me know how you like it. I got sick of the Blogger stock template and rolled my own.If no one likes it, I’ll revert.We got a call from the doctors today; Namine will, for sure, be getting a tracheostomy tomorrow. I’m scared, but I will do whatever it takes…

  • A New Video

  • Long Overdue Update

    Hi, everybody. I apologize for the total lack of updates (something I promised myself I wouldn’t let happen).

  • Buh-Bye, PICU

    Wonderful news! Namine is out of the PICU! She’s now in a plain ole hospital room, once again with a roommate. She’s being given breast milk in a bottle now – not very often, but they’re starting her on it. So far, she’s doing wonderfully. She had 7 cc’s yesterday and 7 and a half…

  • Apologies, and News

    Sorry the site’s been lacking updates for a little while. We’ve been… busy. To say that Namine was extubated is an understatement. On Sunday night – well, Monday morning around 1:30 – I get a call from the doctor to tell me they were extubating her. I’m confused, I say. Why can’t you guys wait…

  • Post-Surgery, Again

    Be warned, I’ve written a book this evening. If you like text, feel free to plow on ahead. Hey, everybody. After being away from the computer for a couple days (but it feels much longer!), I have lotsa news of both my girls. First, Jessica is back home, after being in surgery yesterday and spending…

  • Extubation Today

    The last time I updated, I told you all how the doctors thought that Namine’s left diaphragm might be paralyzed. Well, they did a flouroscopy scan, which revealed that it is, in fact, paralyzed. To clarify, it’s not actually paralyzed, but it moves in the opposite direction. The doctors would actually prefer it not move…

  • Surgery

    Hello Family and Friends,Just to update you on everything that has happened within the past couple of days with myself. The C-Section incision opened up and was infected once, opened up even more and just packed and left to heal. Paul and I were told that if there is a lot of bleeding and puss…

  • New Week, New Worries

    So I’m back from visiting Namine. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that she’s doing really well. Her numbers all look really good. Her breast milk is still being fortified with soy-based formula, and she’s been off the lipids since around noon yesterday. She’s also doing most of the breathing…

  • Hello SOEL Families!

    Paul, Namine and I want to thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, and comments on the blog. We haven’t forgotten about any of you, but wanted to just say thanks for everything you have done for us as we’re keeping you updated on the blog. Please feel free to write comments to keep…