A near miss

Jessica took Namine to the ER this afternoon. She – Namine, I mean, not Jessica – was playing with a pencil in her mouth, despite being told not to. The next thing you know, Namine’s mouth is bleeding. And the cold grip of fear: did Namine puncture her palate?

Jessica took Namine to the ER this afternoon. She – Namine, I mean, not Jessica – was playing with a pencil in her mouth, despite being told not to. The next thing you know, Namine’s mouth is bleeding. And the cold grip of fear: did Namine puncture her palate?

After being seen in the ER, she was discharged with the not quite conclusive diagnosis that the palate is not punctured, only bruised. The doctors believe she did not pierce it all the way through, but they’re not certain; Namine was a little too upset. (By a little upset, I mean threw up and had two blowouts.) But the bleeding stopped while they were in the ER; that was a good sign, as far as the doctors were concerned.

Discharging, of course, is another matter. It took them over an hour to bring out the discharge papers. Typical.

They want to watch Namine carefully; frequent checkups are in order, because even if the palate is not punctured all the way through, she could still develop an infection. If it is punctured, there is a possibility that it will close and heal all on its own. There is, of course, the possibility of the reverse: it could develop into a fistula and require surgical intervention. Most likely, all that would be required is suturing the hole closed once again. (This would be done with Namine under anesthetic, of course.)

All that said, though, you would think that nothing at all happened tonight. We had mac & cheese and corn dogs for dinner, and hoo boy did Namine scarf her food down.

3 responses

  1. Glad the prospect for healing the bruise without surgery is there. More watchful waiting, eh?

  2. awww so glad shes okay but wow i love her name Namine it mut be after the blonde girl in Kingdom Hearts game her name is Namine too shes ment to be 15

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